Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Quinoa Doppelkeks

My new favorite snack
Seeing as I'm on a tight budget, many of my lunches have consisted of mandarinas and my new favorite snack, Quinoa Doppelkeks, a quinoa-based chocolate cookie sandwich that I found in this random organic market in the Plaça Espanya. Yum. Probably not that healthy, but eating organic and eco-friendly foods always make me feel better.

Since it's midterm/finals season, and I've watched all the most recent episodes of Pretty Little Liars, I've had to find other methods of procrastination. I'm at the point in my life where I can trick myself into believing in my own productivity if I find something substantial to do, which as of late, has been looking into internships for the summer.

There are a variety of teaching programs for college students, but the one that I'd really like to do is the most sought-after internship of its kind in the nation (of course it is, sigh) — and it scares the poop out of me (figuratively!).

Here we go again, a set of "tell me about yourself" personal statements in which we must produce the perfect set of 500 words that will accurately represent our personalities, philosophies, dreams, and struggles, all to be filed into a grueling three-month-long process, passed through several sets of hands across several states, and finally culminate in rejection — or the scarier alternative... acceptance.

I'm not making this too dramatic, am I? I threw myself so willingly into the college name-game in high school that I'm hesitant to want something this badly again. So much for grace under pressure.

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