The transition from the Pacific Northwest to Frankfurt was probably the strangest. I like the Germans, I like how infrequently everyone smiles. That said, I'm still glad I'm studying abroad in Spain.
Everything feels warm here, and I'm not just talking about the weather. Everyone here seems to laugh louder, to touch more, to kiss more often. And why not? The nights are cozy. I know everyone told me not to wander around by myself at night, but umm... I'm sorry - I did. And got lost, of course. Despite what I've heard, and despite my paranoia of pickpocketing, I felt fine for the three hours that I wandered around Madrid. Kids were running around the streets around midnight, street performers were just starting their shows around 11pm — this is my kind of town!
It was a bit lonely though. I know, this whole thing was supposed to be an adventure that way, but seeing all the couples (I've deduced that everyone here is in love. Seriously. Everyone. And if they're not, they're about to be.) drinking sangria and toasting to the night made me wish I had been a bit less hasty in my decision to purchase a ticket for this solo trip.
It's funny how hard it is for me to wake up slow here. I was jolted awake by the sun this morning, and will probably be taking full advantage of my first siesta in Spain.
Thankfully, I just met a fellow traveler from the States who might join me on my excursions today. I think I'll head to el Museo del Prado and el mercado de san miguel (it's this crowded indoor market filled with stands where you can taste different wines, cheeses, and tapas. Que linda, ¿no?)
Ha, and maybe I need to develop a better instinct to stay away from strangers, but yesterday I received my first "Ay mami, que linda!" call from a street vendor, and it was surprisingly not as creepy as I thought it would be...
Gotta head to breakfast soon. Free breakfast at the hostel, yay!
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