Friday, August 19, 2011

Classes, and other things of relative importance...

I received my final class schedule. Man. This is going to be a fun trip.

MWF (Mornings): Advanced Spanish Grammar & Usage

  •  (Morning) Internship Seminar
  • (Afternoon) Spanish and English Voices of the Civil War
    • In this class, we'll be taking field trips to bomb shelters and Orwell's Barcelona. Yes. That would be Orwell, comma, George. (AHHHHHHH!)
    • The full title is "Spanish and English Voices of the Civil War in Literature, Film, and Drama" - meaning... we get to watch films and plays for homework!
    • Also, I have never been much of a history buff, so I'm excited to see how I'll be challenged in this class...
  • (Evening) Understanding Photography
    • Yes. A photography class. In Barcelona. Yes. This is real life.

Blessed, overwhelmed, and in good spirits. (Ha, and if you read my other blog and see the post from earlier this evening, the chipper tone of this one might seem strange). Also, today I bought a small point-and-shoot to use when I want to keep the Praying Mantis (my giant DSLR) away from sneaky fingers. This little guy, who I have —well, as of now— affectionately named "Quixote," is compact, light, and acts almost like an SLR, which is amazing. It has this customizable control ring around the lens that allows users to control whichever functions they use most in an efficient, intuitive way that I have never encountered in a point-and-shoot! Qué fabuloso, ¿no?

As you may see, half of my Spanish vocabulary is comprised of English cognates, some of which are probably very, very false and could get me into a lot of trouble abroad. Let's work on that.

While planning for this incredible four-month adventure, I had almost forgotten to plan for the next few days ahead. Before I leave, I'll be hosting a little "Goodbye, Summer" get-together, and have yet to plan the evening's menu... I was planning on tacos, but serving Tex-Mex at a pre-Spain departure party seems a bit wrong, doesn't it?

Here are a few of the first photos I've taken with Quixote, unedited: 

How AWESOME is that depth of field?

Fish-eye effect. Woohoo!

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